Dessert for Breakfast

Welcome to another Tasty Tuesday, where I along with my fellow author friends share easy-to-make, delicious recipes.

My contribution this week is Apple-Blueberry-Peanut-Crumble for breakfast. Yes, you read that right. Dessert for breakfast. What better way to entice your family to eat healthy in the morning, at the same time have them think they are having dessert.

This recipe contains all the goodness and nutrition needed to kick-start their day. You have your protein (peanut butter & nuts), oatmeal (that doesn’t look like gruel) fruit, sweetness that isn’t white sugar, vitamin C and calcium.


6 cups apples (peeled, cored, sliced)

3 cups frozen blueberries

½ cup peanut butter

½ cup nuts (almonds or walnuts) chopped

½ cup pure honey

juice of ½ lemon

juice of 1 orange

1 TBSP. cinnamon

1 tsp. nutmeg

1 cup rolled oats

pinch of salt

Non stick spray


Preheat oven to 375

Spray deep baking dish with a non-stick spray.

In a small bowl, melt the honey and add the peanut butter to the honey and stir well to get a creamy mixture.

In a large bowl add: apples, ½ TBSP cinnamon, ½ tsp. nutmeg, the juice of the lemon, blueberries, honey-peanut butter mixture.

Toss this all together until evenly coated.

In another bowl add: rolled oats, pinch of salt, orange juice, almonds (or whatever nut you’re using), ½ TBSP cinnamon, ½ tsp. nutmeg and mix well.

Put your apple mixture in a deep baking dish.

Spread the rolled oat mixture over the apples.

Bake for 35 minutes (or until apples are soft).

For breakfast: add a scoop in a bowl and add some warmed vanilla almond milk (or cow’s milk, whatever your preference), or you could add some Greek yogurt or any other kind of yogurt.

For dessert: add ice-cream, or frozen yogurt.


Please stop by and pick up a recipe from:

Sprouts get Sexy by PG Forte

Tortilla Soup by Nancy Lauzon

Catch me Tapa by Kimberley Troutte





9 responses to “Dessert for Breakfast”

  1. […] Dessert for Breakfast by Selena Robins Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailPrintLinkedInPinterestLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. […]


  2. nancyelizabethlauzon Avatar

    Yummy, this looks amazing =)


    1. Thanks, Nancy. It’s a great dessert as well.


  3. Wow, Selena. This looks like my kind of breakfast!


    1. I have this every morning, especially now with the crisp autumn air. Try it with Vanilla Almond Milk, gives it that extra nutty flavor.


  4. Yum. Just the thing for second breakfast (what? you all don’t do that?)


    1. LOL PG. Makes a great snack as well.


  5. My kids will love it if they can top if off with ice cream for breakfast….


    1. Hi, Lexie, thanks for stopping by. LOL Yes, kids will think they are in Heaven with having ice-cream for breakfast. Hope you all give this recipe a try, it really is filling and keeps you going…well, until lunch anyway. 🙂


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